NerdHQ 2012

Jul 08, 2012 22:33

Just in case you want to, you know, spend all night in front of a livestream...

NerdHQ 2012 is streaming all their panels again. They are taking place during SDCC and panels are starting Thursday July 12th and running through Saturday July 14th. Here's the list of panels:

The Psych panel is actually at a time possible for Europeans: 20h CET Thursday night. I'm definitely going to watch that. The Joss Whedon panel at midnight Saturday/Sunday also looks doable, but I think I'll pass this time. But I'm guessing that's the one all you Avengers fans on my flist are going to want to see. *g*

Now let's just hope that there is not going to be much more demand than last year and the streams will actually hold up. (They did okay last year. The ticket sales ran their servers aground last year as well as this year, so... I'm thinking streaming might also become an issue.)

[neery, in case you're interested how I got here: I looked up Sasha Roiz (the police captain from Grimm), who is not billingual but actually trilingual, did grow up in Canada, quelle surprise, and as it turns out just twittered yesterday about being a panelist at NerdHQ. The Grimm panel is at a totally horrible time, though (Sunday 2:45 am CET - right after Jared Padalecki). What a pity. I would have watched that, too.]

x-posted to dw (comments:

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