White Collar 3x05, 3x06

Oct 22, 2011 22:55

Sorry, neery, I couldn't wait any longer.

* I really still like this season. I like Neal and Sara, and I like Neal and Peter. I like Diana and El and Mozzie and I just think they're all still nice characters and their interactions are interesting.

* I liked the episode with Scott because there was some insight into Neal. It was obvious that Scott wouldn't turn himself in - to everyone but Neal. I loved the scene where Peter tells Neal that people change.

* And to be honest: the part where Peter clued in to what Neal et al were doing and just opened the cracked safe and told the guy with a straight face how implausible it would have been to deposit the jewels in his safe... that was hilarious.

* The fact that Neal is a regular guest at Peter's table and just sips wine in his kitchen just... gives me warm fuzzies. They are good friends.

* Hee, El has Mozzie's number. El is just great.

* "As a rule: you never should have to explain your jokes". More tv writers should take that advice to heart.

* "Don't you love it how we're always on the same page?" OMG yes. No slash goggles required.

* I like Lena Headey, although she always seems to play weird characters. :D

* I like how Sara found out about Neal and now knows he doesn't really trust her. I like how their relationship is going very much.

* I have no reason to dislike this season. In fact, I am really enjoying it so far. I hope it stays that way.

Anybody have some recent White Collar fic recs?

x-posted to dw (comments:


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