Community up to season 1 finale

Mar 18, 2011 22:22

1x24 English as a second language
Chang! )


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tinnny March 26 2011, 21:22:00 UTC
when I was 21 I lived with a 34-yr old for several months

My first boyfriend was 6 or 7 years old than me, too. I can absolutely see the allure of experience - it seems amazing from the point of view of the inexperienced. So I can see why Annie sees in Jeff. But I cannot see how Jeff would not squick himself out by getting with Annie, when all he does is treat her like a child. *shudder*

S2 they're making strides, but to my way of thinking they have a long way to go yet.

Sounds good. She deserves to be treated like an adult. Also: Jeff and Britta have a long way to go, too. More in the development of their own personality, and accepting it, than anything to do with the other one.

I do love the season-ending kiss, though. It was just such a perfect thing to toss in at the end, and letting Brie and MHale actually play out their chemistry that way was a brilliant moment of O_O :O for the audience.

I loved it for the totally deliberate chain-yanking that it is - few shows go overboard the way Community does. I didn't find it particularly logical at that time, but it's not totally ooc, either.

(I like Annie's explanation in Letting Go, btw. That she just did it to see if she could do it? It looked like that to me, too.)


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