Community 1x21, 1x22

Mar 13, 2011 22:19

Running towards the season finale...

1x21 Contemporary American Poultry

+ The concept is brilliant.
* I still can't say much about it, because I've not seen many movies. I know a few titles, but "an offer he can't refuse" is basically the whole of my knowledge on movies of that kind. "We may be watching different mafia movies." Yes, that.
* It didn't touch me all that much, mostly because it wasn't shippy, so I don't really feel like saying much about it.
* Also, the characterization of Jeff as Control Freak Leader was... a bit too much for me.
+ It was fun overall, though.
+ Pharao Troy wtf?
- Annie's boobs wtf? That one's just old.
+ Backpack-loving Annie and Britta's comment about robots was so absurd it was funny again
+ The "message" with the backpack. Ouch.
+ "For your information: I don't have an ego."
+ Together: "You were right."
+ Jeff's deeply satisfied expression on noticing that his hand gestures are working again. Wee.
+ Loved Abed's Organization Chart:

+ My favorite was when Abed said "Please don't do a special episode about me. [...] Maybe this is a special episode." *lol*
+ That whole conversation between Abed and Jeff was the high point of the episode.
+ Abed really is a good choice for Godfather.
* I still felt bad for Abed being "back on the outside", because Jeff promised to help him and he looked like he put a lot of hope into that.
+ I like the way they drop the fourth wall all the time, even though it means they have to caricature the characters for the analysis to become funny. I think I like real characters and indirect insight better. But the parodies are way cool, too. I can't decide!

* Summary: I admit I enjoyed Modern Warfare about 30 times more. Probably because it was just as batshit but also shippy. So let's move on:

1x22 The Art of Discourse

- I did not like the premise of the high school student plotline particularly. But what they made of it rocked so much. I didn't expect most of it, least of all the ending.
- Abed breaking the guitar. ;(( I felt like Shark Week when Jeff broke the pencil. Just worse. A guitar! *sniff*
+ The group turning on each other was great. It was fun without being all-out mean.
+ There was so much Jeff/Britta, it almost broke my brain.
* Britta not being able to afford an iPod, and Jeff dissing her for it. //) Ouch.
+ Jeff only pulling all the stops after Britta suggests it
* The escape goat. //)
+ The bang his mother ploy and the handshake! Omg.
+ Jeff coming on to "Frankenmom" was so yucky it was - you guessed it - fun to watch.
+ I only realized late that the premise for the episode was, exactly like the one before it and the one after it: it was another parody. This time of college/frat movies. It just... didn't feel as distorted as the other two. The characters were more themselves and not as obviously analyzed.
- I didn't care much for Abed and Troy's storyline in this one. Is their fraternity name significant? I prefer to read it as "OTP". ;)
+ Especially the pantsing storyline was well done. Pierce was himself and Shirley was herself and they both reacted as stubbornly as anyone would. And still they managed to work it out and it felt real. It's saying something when the storyline of the two characters I like the least is affecting me in that way.
+ OMG, Jeff and Britta almost looked cool "duh"-ing it. Until they run out of air. *lol* There's something wrong with my brain. //)

* I actually feel bad about liking this episode better than Poultry. Jeff/Britta makes me happy, what can I say? *sigh*

I already watched Modern Warfare, but I'm stopping with the writing up so I can post this before I fall asleep. :)


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