Community Rec + Review 1x15, 1x16

Mar 06, 2011 23:22

Anyone not into Community yet?

* Joel McHale plays lawyer Jeff Winger who's used to talking his way out of every situation. He has a beautiful smile, what can I say? :) Just for the record: I ship him with everything that moves. (So does he, probably. ;))
* Britta is 28 and tough and I have no idea what to say about her but I like her a lot
* Annie is 18 and naive and high-strung and they "try not to sexualize her". Hee.
* Troy is the ex-quarterback who is just not that bright - which is ironic, because Donald Glover was a writer on 30 Rock and his improvs are immensely funny
* Chevy Chase is funny as the unlikeable, homophobic, racist old guy who noone respects and who comes up with one crazy scheme after another
* Shirley is the housewife who always makes scathing comments - she's the one who interests me the least. Which doesn't really say much, because I adore everyone else
* Danny Pudi is Abed, the autistic tv fanatic of the group. Abed doesn't get people, except when he totally does. He talks almost without inflection and he says the weirdest and funniest stuff. He quotes tv shows and movies all the time, and it must have been as much fun writing him as it is to watch him.

* every single one of those characters is actually *a character*, and they are all lovable in their own way
* check out the bloopers on youtube!
* there are tons of gay jokes, but they don't come across as homophobic to me. How is your perception of that?
* the pop culture references never stop. The show is crammed full of them and it's hilarious
* It's intelligent like 30 Rock, but somehow kitschier, more loveable. I don't know how to describe it, but while I find 30 Rock great, in an intellectual way, I love Community with all my heart. I can't wait to see all of it as soon as humanly possible.

Everyone who already loves it, feel free to chat with me about it. I just watched 1x15 and 1x16 and here are my 2 cents:

1x15 - Romantic Expressionism
+ I really loved that episode, and I knew I was going to love it when it started with Jeff and Britta together, working as a team
+ Hee, Britta sucks at being stealthy. That makes her very likeable.
+ The scene with the eye-sexing was extensive - like they really wanted to make a comment on every single possible pairing. It must have taken ages to shoot that. The show *should* be single-camera for all I know about tv.
+ I see what prettypepper meant about Annie and Britta. :)
+ I loved Jeff's smile to Annie. His whole posture and body language relaxed - that was something that didn't happen with anyone else.
+ The most hilarious sentence of the whole ep was Annie saying: "Trust me, I have good taste." *lol*

1x16 Communication Studies
+ About the only thing I liked about that one was the idea behind it: a sitcom staple. :D
- I think it was the worst ep so far. Maybe just because it pushed the wrong buttons for me.
- I think at least half the ep was spent drinking. And Chang really didn't have to have a bottle in his hand, either.
- The whole ep was pushing it too far. Chang was over the top even for him
+ Although his dancing was worth it. :)
* I don't know what to think about Britta and Jeff. I'm not usually averse to shows trying to make subtext into text and finding ways to drag their characters' motivation into the open, but it just felt forced here.
* Also, Britta's comment about it being just "20 seconds of a 40 minute message" was so frustrating. I want to know every single word he said to her, dammit!
+ OK, I liked (a lot!) that Jeff was brutally honest to Slater. That was unexpected and endearing. I do like the way their relationship is going right now.

I'd love to talk with you about this show. Please try not to spoil me for eps I have not seen yet. Thanks!

tv-community, recs

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