OMG, is the season over already? *sniff*
- like some of my flist, I've been thinking about the misogyny on Merlin. Not that I care much about female characters on any show, but with Vampire Diaries we see once again that female characters can and should be great leads, so I currently have a good example to compare against (which, sadly, is a rare occurrence). I'm not particularly concerned about Merlin in that regard, because it's just not that well-written. Merlin is like one big bromance-fest and all the other characters are completely ignored. It's not specifically mean-spirited against women, it's just horribly bad at characterization overall. Uther has some facets and for me he's the only character on the show who I find well-rounded. So... two evil one-dimensional witches don't make much of a difference.
- I am often wondering about the image they want to create for their target audience (which I'm assuming to be 5-year-olds), though. And in that light, the choice between simpering wouldbe-queen and intelligent, powerful EVIL witch is not exactly promising. But I don't think the boys are better off: either intelligent and powerful but subservient eejit or arrogant bully and future king. So, all in all, I vote for just switching the target audience to adults and assume everyone knows they can't be serious. Which would maybe even make for better characterization, less clumsy exposition, *sigh* ;)
+ All in all, I have to say that I really liked this season. I liked this episode, too. I know lots of people are fed up with the fact that nothing is moving forward. But then I'm just lucky I only got on board a few months ago and while I'm already impatient for Arthur to finally know!, I know it's nothing compared to everone who's been waiting for that for thee years! So, yeah. I know I am late to the party, but I'm immensely enjoying myself so far. I hope I'm not the only one by the time the next season rolls around. ;)
+ The season finale had its lengths and it wasn't quite as good as the first part of the two-parter, but it was fun.
- How lucky that Morgause's spell stopped working once Gwen met up with Arthur and the rest. Suddenly, Morgause couldn't find her anymore when she'd just been strolling through the woods on her trail a few minutes earlier.
- Exposition! Exposition! If they mention their plan one more time, I'm going to strangle someone. Preferably Gaius, because I'm convinced he's going to die anyway.
+ On that note: I am so glad that Gaius is still alive. I had finally let my flist convince me that he was going to die. There were two scenes where his death seemed immanent, and I kept preparing myself for it, and it never happened. Very weird feeling, that.
? I remember Colin saying in an interview that Merlin had the chance to do magic in front of Arthur this season and that he chose not to. I did not see any such particular decision being made. Anyone know what Colin was referring to?
+ I loved the way Merlin got Excalibur and everything he did with it. I don't know why he didn't give it to Arthur, though. Wasn't it forged for Arthur? He could have wielded it a lot better, at least. :) But honestly: Colin sword-fighting? Rowr.
+ Everything Merlin/Arthur was amazing. The dragging through the dungeons in the first part was already squee-worthy, but the scene around the round table (or in Colin's words: "the formation of a certain famous band of knights, possibly seated at some form of table" - I'll never get that description out of my head), that was every slasher's dream. There was actual slow-motion smiling at each other.
- Morgana... oh my. The first thing I would have done in Merlin's place is hit Morgana over the head with something. Possibly magic. Not run away and let her scream down the whole castle! Duh. No wonder she got away.
+ The last scenes with Merlin and Arthur were wonderful and they will do nicely to tide us over until next year. Although their dialogue made not a lick of sense and I'm lucky the visuals were better without distraction, anyway. ;)
So now I still have about two-thirds of the second season to catch up on. I very much hope that my Merlin muses will not leave me for a while yet. I did read tons of Merlin fic, and have some recs lying around, but am too tired tonight to post them.