BSG 3x20

Jul 12, 2008 21:52

I finally caught up to BSG and watched the end of the third season today. I liked the second half of it a lot. Better than season two, and just as good as season one.

Ron Moore did a great job moving the story along without the lengths that bored me in season 2.

And the best thing about the season finale: this amazing tragic moral speech he had Saul Ty give. Ty of all people, the character I hate most. And what surprised me is that he actually managed to touch me with it.

I cried. Honestly, I cried. I never cry about TV. But that was just so... unbearably tragic.

I guess you all know a lot more about this than I do, if you've already watched season 4, so I'm not going to ramble about it in detail. But it's intruiging to think about who the fifth cylon is. The one who didn't turn up for the meeting. A lot points to Kara, but then the whole egg harvesting thing in The Farm didn't make sense, did it? Well, if the other cylons don't know about the final five, maybe it does.

Also: does this mean that Hera is not the only hybrid anymore?


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