May 18, 2008 19:08
[Private to Self//Unhackable]
...well, that was a hell of a way for him to say goodbye to me. I - is it wrong that I wish we'd gone farther? Probably. Whatever. He's not here anymore, I'll always love him and he'll always be my dearest the nearest to my heart, but I'm not going to sit around crying anymore.
I'll see him again someday and he'll be sorry he left me here. [//End Private]
...I can't believe he's gone, but...we'll meet again somewhere over the rainbow. I know it. We have to. Dex, RJ, Chris, Mims, Demyx, Donut, Tucker, Church...and Sister, you guys are what I have left. I'll kick your asses if you go away too.
His room is empty now. I'll clean it out, and I guess Chris gets dibs. Mims will be staying over tonight and bringing us ice cream.
Grif, it occurs to me that we should probably make up for time lost while the whole curse thing was going on and you had to sleep on the floor. You game?
church ilu bb,
sister ilu bb?,
cried for hours,
chris ilu bb,
dex = grif,
friends leaving,
she's broken but trying not to show,
donut ilu bb,
idk my bff misa-misa,
tucker ilu bb,
abandonment issues,
rare moment of optimism,
pretending to be okay,
rj ilu bb,
how could this happen to meeeee?,
grif ilu bb,
making out = great going-away present,
leon ilu bb,
i love you guys rly,
demyx ilu bb,
mims = misa