Apr 19, 2010 23:58
Well, despite my best efforts--apparently--Mullin has finally broken the 1000 comments mark! And you know what that means... Relationship Meme! Or Anything Meme, really, if that's more your style--essays, questions, 5 Things, whatever!
This goes for Mullin, plus Thor and Ricochet if anybody's interested.
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Headcanon--I really believe Mullin deserves a Happily Ever After after everything he went through, so at the end of the series everything is hunky-dory for him. (Amusingly enough, though, I take some small, perverse delight in the fact that the creators semi-Jossed Mullin having sex, because they specifically clarify that the little kid he's seen with at the end is Dunya's younger brother and not Mullin's son with her, but. Minor thing.) I thin he's really happy to be making a new life specifically with Dunya and in general with her surviving siblings and everyone else who left the Silvana... But also there's gonna come a time when it's time for him and her to move off and make their own lives a little further away from the big extended family. Not too far, mind you, but they deserve their privacy, too. (Mullin needs to have sex, okay. He just does.)
I also like to think that they never have to fight again... much. Because the two of them fighting together would also be pretty badass, and I also also like to think that they'd be relatively well known in the area as veterans of the wars on Prester, to the point that the Two Musketeers would be on their neighbors' Do Not Fuck With list. Because again--badass Battle Couple.
As for apping... uh. God. Where to start? I would love ANYONE to app ANYONE from Last Exile, but if I had to narrow it down some I'd love to see 1) Dunya, obviously, although she's a little light on the canon, really; 2) Al, because she is the most adorable tiny mysterious waif IN THE HISTORY OF EVER; and 3) Sophia, because OMG BOOBS AND SEXY GLASSES. Oh, and the whole strong female leader thing. For less carnal reasons, though--at least from my perspective--Alex Rowe is a fine #3 substitute, too. Dude is a flying pirate captain, and that's hardcore in the best possible way.
... I will also take any further questions, because. Y'know. Glutton for rambling.
Man I should rewatch Last Exile or something.
SO UH. What's your favourite aspect of playing Thor?
And if you look closely in the couple scenes where Dunya's not wearing her giant red overcoat (and in some concept art and character sheets) you can see she's actually wearing a mini-skirt. Which is a clue.
Either way, you should TOTALLY rewatch Last Exile. Because it's awesome. And also, Mullin totally deserves nookie after everything he's been through.
My favorite part of playing Thor is how, on the one hand, he's almost entirely unfazed no matter what happens. Weird crap can be going down, and he can just be like, "Yeah, great, sure--I have a chariot pulled by magical flying goats, this is nothing. Let's get to work." But at the same time and on the other hand, he's also enjoying himself so much of the time and in a large part that stems from him seeing new and exciting things. Hence how I play him about pancakes and pop-up books--little things that he never would have encountered in Asgard, but that really impress him. Breakfast food that involves chocolate? Books with cunningly folded pages that become little scenes of whatever's going on in the story? Brilliant! Those are exciting.
Thor enjoys himself almost no matter what he's doing--whether it's fighting or hanging out with the people he knows or just wandering around the woods or, yes, eating breakfast. He can see everything as an adventure on some level, and isn't daunted by something that others might find frightening (giant monsters) or consider mundane (children's books). Sometimes he's moody, sure, but most of the time he's out looking for a good time and he can find one almost anywhere, and usually that involves him getting to be a Big Damn Hero. What's not to like?
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