Pride go-eth before the fall...literaly...

Dec 03, 2004 00:46

So yesterday I changed the world. I taught a child to read. Seriously, the kid walked in not knowing how to read and after an hour with me he was reading up a storm. The feeling was euphoric (for both of us)! It was amazing I was on a ‘I changed the world for the better’ high. (It is important to note that for reasons we won’t go into all of my shoes are at my mothers house…so I happened to be wearing my four inch heeled, lickably cute boots from Glasgow.) Back to the story I’m on my high and I happen to see a friend of mine from class that I don’t really ever talk to outside of class…so I thought here is my chance. I’ll make a real connection and have a great conversation.

“Hi there Karrrr.....” is all I got out before I tumbled head first down the stairs in Black Hall.

Now normally this would be bad, but this week they have some book fare going on so the usually empty building was bustling with people eager to point out to me that I have just fallen down a flight of stairs...yes thank you I did see the stairs, I just thought this would be faster…thank you shoppers of children’s books…you’re a real sharp group I can tell.

So I scurry away as soon as I can see straight and head to my next class in Shaw Smyser…about the time I hit the Sub I was laughing about what had happened and was again on my changing the world for the better high…a good thing too because I had just spotted a theater major to whom I could gloat about being a teacher to. It went a little something like this:

“Hello, Ryan. Me? Oh I’m fine, I changed the life of a child today. The world is a better place because of me. No, no, please, after you,” I say after holding open the door and proceed to follow him into the building still gloating, “What did you do with your morning? Did I mention that I taught a child to read? I am a bringer of good into this world.” SMACK!

…you may have guessed it…I had just let the door slam on the face of a very good looking young man…on crutches.

…I maimed a crippled man...but it gets better.

As I open the door embarrassedly for him and beg his forgiveness, I hold open two other doors for him and follow him down the hall as far as my class…unfortunately to him it just seemed that I was following him…the poor young man is hobbling faster and faster down the hall as I go on and on, “You see I was just explaining to my friend about how I changed the world for the better and then I didn’t see you and I’m really awfully sorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy....”she called as the man literally fled from her.

So I guess he and I aren’t getting married after all...I still have hopes for the coffee guy...

…the adventure continues…
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