Nov 17, 2004 01:13
So on the way to the theater yesterday I pick up my mail, like you do, and noticed that one of the letters was from my good friend Joanne. Yay! I rip it open right there and then (in the middle of the street as it happened) to discover horrible horrible Scottish Porn.
Back this soul train up a second....(I was never good at delivering expository information) when I was living there I happened to notice (don’t ask me why but suffice it to say that the hunt was long and arduous) that all the porn sold in Glasgow is imported American stuff with a sprinkling of English born adventures….no Scottish made porn.
I couldn’t believe it…what with all those lovely men running around the heather in kilts…use your imagination and I think you’ll find that there is a whole genre here that is being ignored!
Upon sharing my thoughts with my roommates (who all looked at me like I was that American) I proceeded to forget all about it….(okay, who’s fooling who…)
Until this letter from Joanne, it seems that Anthony found in the back of his shop (he works in a comic book store that sells Harry Potter figures to children) this horrible personal ads thing where real people (not models…and there is no age limit...and most of them don't look Scottish AT ALL) send in picture of themselves…seeking…something…
However it was kinda fun to read thru it with the head of the Wardrobe crew (male) and one of my wig crew people (female...I try to get all perspectives) and try to figure out what all the acronyms meant during one of my shows (I told you I don't have much to do this time round when the actors are on stage).
….and then to go home and realize that I had left it in the theater where my professor would find it the next day….with my name on it….literally….so that was fun….
But I digress…the point is that I have decided since the mountain won’t come to Mohamed I will have to write my own kilt lifting thriller script and mail it over there to see if they can find someone to produce it…
Which brings us to Playwriting the class…I’ve never taken it, but now that I have a mission to get this produced I’m seriously considering it….hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….
To sum up: Thank you, Joanne and Anthony, I will cherish it always as it sits under my mattress far from the prying eyes of my mother or the not so prying eyes of the priest who lives above me! To the theater inclined: any suggestions for a plot?
…the very adventurous adventure continues…so there….