What is up with all of the ring commercials lately? It's not like it's Spring or 2/14 or whatever. This overabundance of commercials is precisely how we can end up with berserker gunmen and whatnot. Me, for example, it makes me want go f---ing apes---. Oh yes, the Haterade runs strong in this one. Recently, I've deduced that every major problems I've ever caused is directly related to my being single. It seems like seeing others' happiness in the lives has kind of the same effect on me that pollution does on
Captain Planet and then mixed with a little anger. As with a lot of the perspectives I picked up in my late teens, I don't really expect anyone to understand it. All I can do is hope I'm not completely alone in the matter.
I imagine I'll get flak for these thoughts, but the vast majority of people either currently have something or have had something to fall back on whether it be some kind of relationship with another or some kind of talent. Not having any of those is a blow to anyone's psyche. Here's a way to think of it: You've got a birthday, and you'd LOVE to have some kind of event for it. Everybody you know usually has some kind of party or event or something, so you can't wait for your b-day so you'll be able to do the same. Especially since there are folks encouraging you, but when the time comes, all you get are lame excuses. After a while with the same results, it's just like, f--- this - I'm tired of this. And then you see your peers still having the awesome experiences on their b-days and great stories. What I essentially do now is ignore its existence.
Actually, that scenario pretty much fits my b-day perspective, too.