Foamy stops by for a visit

Aug 01, 2004 03:28

I cannot understand the need to look exactly like another. Why is it that someone is so obsessive about one or more people that they might feel the need to look exactly like them? What is the appeal in that? Why might one feel the need to change their external figure? This is something I simply cannot comprehend. For medical reasons, I can understand, but if you just want to look "better," this to me seems like a foolish endeavor. There is no such thing as the "perfect" look. And if somehow, a reader is assuming that I write this because I am some hot, muscular, wo/manizing "playa-playa," then that reader is sadly mistaken. It has been widely conceded that i am NOT physically appealing in any way, shape, or form. Need any more proof? How about these facts:

-I've never had a girlfriend
-I've never been on a date
-I only get any sort of "action" once annually. Starting 2.5 years ago. And by pure luck each time.

...and all of that is not by choice. I have every reason to want to go under a knife, whether it be liposuction, rhinoplasty, face lifting, hair transplantation, or even penile/pectoral implantation(and yes, that is all stuff i can "benefit" from), but i won't...well, ok, maybe hair transplant, but only if I lose a lot of hair at an old age. I was never given a reason to maintain a "healthy" self image(which I don't). What I believe isn't realized is that despite what the media shoves down the public's throat, what really makes people physically attractive are what may be considered their "flaws." Great example - I'm sure we remember Jennifer Grey? Cute chick famous as "Jeannie" from Dirty Dancing & Ferris Bueller's sister. Well, anyway, she hated her nose, so she got rhinoplasty. What happened? Her career disappeared like her old nose. Turns out the public loved her just the way she was. So in conclusion folks, The Swan is a lame duck, Extreme Makeover is extreme crock, and Nip/Tuck is...oh wait, that's fictional.



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