Title: Pay No Attention to the Boy Behind the Prince
Author: Erin (
Summary: There's more to Jack than meets the eye and, much as he tries to avoid it, people can see it...
Rating: PG
Warnings: Wordcount sits at 6130. One simple line started this whole thing and, in order for this part to be written, that part had to be written. But, for that part
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He laughed when she finally looked at him, with a look she seemed to have mastered by watching Grandpa Wyatt.
Mwah... that's so cute. ^^ You really beautifully conveyed that brother and sister relationship. And also the relationship with his grandmother.
This made me cry:
Sitting on her sofa, in her parlor, Jack and DG both - finally - allowed themselves to grieve for the queen.
This just had lots of layers and details I really enjoyed, like this:
He had to turn the book sideways at one point, to read the note from Molly, as she hadn't judged her space well and the note had turned at the binding.
Thank you. I have completely fallen in love with those two. Three. ALL OF THEM.
I am now going to stalk and harrass rollo to write more. *nods*
Will you settle for the completely original version?
I'm also sending you an email with the alternate mix of the mix. ;)
Personally, it is my belief that various stresses affect the muse and our interest in getting anything worked on...
Whether we know the stresses or not... I can't say..
Or we just have bouts of bi-polar and the writing comes out of that? *shrugs*
or we're just nuts!!
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