Title: Pay No Attention to the Boy Behind the Prince
Author: Erin (
Summary: There's more to Jack than meets the eye and, much as he tries to avoid it, people can see it...
Rating: PG
Warnings: Wordcount sits at 6130. One simple line started this whole thing and, in order for this part to be written, that part had to be written. But, for that part
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Prince PIMA! Prince Pain In My Ass! I'm so glad you used that! I always thought it was one of DG's cleverer and snarkier moments. Ha!
Love the origin of the nicknames. Molasses! And the scene where Jack teases his sister to bits and pieces because of a nickname for a nickname, it's cute and emotional and a total "guh" moment.
The way you handled the after-scene of the queen's death is just winwin. But I think the most fantastic part was the Queen and Jack tea scene. I have unending love for the Queen and Jack, they're both so implacable and stubborn.
And please note that I noted this with vehemence and flail: …go south and become a fisherman. Even if you didn't mean it to be a Wind*Verse crossover thingy, it still made me laugh!
Yes, I remember (as if I needed to be reminded): I &hearts you. *curls up at your feet*
I've been wanting to quiz you all things Jack and Spice and Molasses for a MONTH.
You are gonna be so sick of me in July ;)
All right, I'm kidding… but I loved it though it wasn't intentional. BTW: Zero's dad = fisherman; Zero = from the south. All = Farine's laughter.
So this explains a lot, actually… I would've made a shit inspector. Why you read all the old drabbles that one time, and asked me about the "uncle" verses the "grandpa" thing. hehehehe, oh eee, the cleverness of you!
and then I caught that and went O.o
And the story was born... *sigh*
*eyes cross*
*raises hand*
Is that what that link does? I never clicked it...
*feels smarter*
OK, now… I want a million dollars in unmarked bills! GO!
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