Cumming on Ambrose + Glitch

Apr 28, 2010 18:10

In case you weren't aware yet and had some questions for the man, Alan Cumming has been answering some questions since the end of January or so on his site. Good gods, how time flies. One of the latest blog entries (NSFW if the F-word or shirtless Alan ring alarms where you are.) had a question about Glitch and Ambrose, and I thought the answer was kind of interesting. He was asked "What were the major differences you took with portraying Glitch and Ambrose (being essentially the same person)?" and answered:

"Glitch and Ambrose wasn't a difficult switch because I only actually played Ambrose for one day of the shoot. But I thought of him as almost a completely different person, but with some of Glitch's qualities like loyalty and a sense of justice."

Does that vibe with how you mostly see or write the character/s, for example, or provide any new angles or thoughts? I've read many interesting stories of the two as separate characters within the same body or at times in separate ones, but it's interesting to see that Cumming considered the difference that great, too.

cumming_blog for more as an LJ feed. There's something about Toto in his reply, too, I'm just reluctant to link to his blog directly, lest the cookie crumb trail lead to this place. Winkety wink toward the management here, thanks for the answer way back when, and my apologies for not getting back to you on that. As may be apparent, I was capable of reading the FAQ soon enough after that. ;)
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