Aug 02, 2009 18:01
Ambrose aka Glitch
- Can Glitch's brain be put back in?
- If not can Glitch still access his Ambrose self through the help of a Viewer like Raw?
- How old is Ambrose?
- Is Ambrose related to the royal family in some way?
- Was Ambrose born into high Society? Or did his intelligence get him there?
character: ambrose,
character: glitch,
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1. Can Glitch's brain be put back in?
*blank stare* .................................*pets Glitch* Why not? He still glitches like none other, though
2. If not can Glitch still access his Ambrose self through the help of a Viewer like Raw?
Yes he can....but with less and less help over time *points to mini-series* He started glitching less towards the end...
3. How old is Ambrose?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I haven't decided...o.O I'd say.......5-7ish older than Az. How old is Az, you ask?
I have no bloody clue...
I like to ignore ages b/c it hurts my brain to think about it and make DG/Cain not have a ridiculous age gap
4. Is Ambrose related to the royal family in some way?
Negative. *snort* he's like a Percy Weasley - young and trying hard to impress the head hauncho...
5. Was Ambrose born into high Society? Or did his intelligence get him there?
Oh hell...I haven't decided such ridiculousness - I just enjoy the humor. However.....if I were to decide in the next 5 seconds: Middle class + smarts = Glitch
6. Ambrose was an Advisor……of what?
AMAZINGNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, what? I mean head Adviser of everything with an emphasis in the inventoring+sciency+slighty magical stuff...
7. What is your personal fanon for him, that is not covered by these questions?
*hides* I haven't explored Glitch all that much....
WOW. That sounded a REALLY dirty...
Bonus Question: Do you ship Cain/Glimbrose, Queen/Ambrose, DG/Glimbrose, Azkadellia/Ambrose(Glitch) or Ambrose/Queen/Ahamo? Why? And are you open to the other ships?
Ahem. No love for Raw? Not that I'd ship that, necessarily, I'm just sayin'. Oh yeah - the whole point of the question: I'd ship Az/Glitch....That's about it - I mean, I can handle the other ones, but I they don't make me flail...
Plus yippee for the Az/Glitch shippage.
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