Fascinating about the ADHD, thanks for giving yet another layer to the fabulously complicated puzzle that is Glambrose, hee. This is another instance where you just wish you were able to ask the queen what Ambrose was like in his younger days
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I actually would love to discuss that aspect of Raw one day. He's the empath of the group, sure, but he has a ridiculous lack of ability to comfort people when they need it. Which, I kind of adore.
Judging by that open wound on his head-- just like the one Lylo had after being plugged into the machine-- I'd say that Raw had plenty of experience with humans. And none of it good.
Privately, I'm a subscriber to the fanon that while Ambrose is not blood related to DG (or maybe is a "once removed" relative), he was very fond of her to the point where he may as well have been a godparent or uncle
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I think your vision of Ambrose here is extremely accurate, and I concur his relationship with DG is very much one of uncle and niece. Glitch is that "shadow self" that Ambrose did not let run loose. Raynz takes his blade, makes the change...and that shadow comes roaring out. ooh- that's very eerie - gave me a literal chill, there!
The whole "uncle and niece" thing kinda comes from my real life, as I am an aunt of six, only one of which has any biological relation. It's also why I could never ship the two! I would love to see a fanfic that addesses that they helped each other remember who they were.
Glitch is that "shadow self" that Ambrose did not let run loose. Raynz takes his blade, makes the change...and that shadow comes roaring out.
I agree, lionille - that's a fabulous way of expressing what happened!
And I like your take on Ambrose as the scarecrow's apprentice, allronix1!
One curious note. I was rewatching the lab scene, hoping to snag a good martial-arts cap (same prob as the other fight - too fast/blurry). At the moment our zippered hero bursts into action with a nice efficient clothesline and a rather showy tornado kick (my ninja prejudices are showing), I would say he's pretty much Ambrose. Which suggests that he had the martial-arts training before he became Glitch (not necessarily, you understand - it's just something about the look he gets that gives me that impression).
Which leads my brain in all sorts of directions - it would be a great hobby for someone who works in a lab all day - it would be an interesting/unexpected side of stuffy!Ambrose, but I could see him justifying it very intellectually (- mens sana in corpore
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Perhaps something to keep himself in shape, as well as being a last line of defense for the Queen should something dire happen. Maybe he was a younger son of some noble house and expected to go into the military before he was discovered to be more useful as a scholar.
Y'see, this is why I want to read and write fanfic here. There's this gorgeous universe, enchanting characters, rich history, and so little we actually know.
You know, when you said this, I could absolutely see Ambrose applying the same sort of discipline and study to the physical pursuits as the mental ones!
I could absolutely see Ambrose applying the same sort of discipline and study to the physical pursuits
Ah, yes, and it would be wonderful to watch him find out that it doesn't work. I don't mean discipline in the sense of stick-to-it-iveness; that's always necessary. I mean, rather, a scientific/intellectual approach in general. My ninjutsu instructor's favorite words for me were, "Get out of your head, Amedia!"
Seriously - it would give him a whole new respect for intuition and movement and balance and - oh yes, rhythm - that he wouldn't get from his studies, but that might give him new insights into them.
Um, sorry, this was just supposed to be a sentence or two...
I would love to see you write a fic about this... how and why Ambrose takes it up, (overstressed at work? Queen: "For goodness sakes, Ambrose, get a hobby!") who his teacher was, what you said up there about him having to realize an intellectual approach wouldn't work, that he find that instinct side of himself. I'd always kind of gone back and forth between thinking a)Ambrose learned those techniques to better protect the royals or that b)someone taught them to Glitch so he could protect himself. I'm working on a part of TRB now that doesn't get into the Glitch-Fu but does show all the different people he's been, and one of them's got to be the one who learns teh mad skilz! I'm leaning towards that sweet, sage personality we see at the end of the hypothermia scene. Wow, this is rambly. I'm hitting the post button anyway. :)
Glitch is that "shadow self" that Ambrose did not let run loose. Raynz takes his blade, makes the change...and that shadow comes roaring out.
ooh- that's very eerie - gave me a literal chill, there!
I agree, lionille - that's a fabulous way of expressing what happened!
And I like your take on Ambrose as the scarecrow's apprentice, allronix1!
One curious note. I was rewatching the lab scene, hoping to snag a good martial-arts cap (same prob as the other fight - too fast/blurry). At the moment our zippered hero bursts into action with a nice efficient clothesline and a rather showy tornado kick (my ninja prejudices are showing), I would say he's pretty much Ambrose. Which suggests that he had the martial-arts training before he became Glitch (not necessarily, you understand - it's just something about the look he gets that gives me that impression).
Which leads my brain in all sorts of directions - it would be a great hobby for someone who works in a lab all day - it would be an interesting/unexpected side of stuffy!Ambrose, but I could see him justifying it very intellectually (- mens sana in corpore ( ... )
Y'see, this is why I want to read and write fanfic here. There's this gorgeous universe, enchanting characters, rich history, and so little we actually know.
Ah, yes, and it would be wonderful to watch him find out that it doesn't work. I don't mean discipline in the sense of stick-to-it-iveness; that's always necessary. I mean, rather, a scientific/intellectual approach in general. My ninjutsu instructor's favorite words for me were, "Get out of your head, Amedia!"
Seriously - it would give him a whole new respect for intuition and movement and balance and - oh yes, rhythm - that he wouldn't get from his studies, but that might give him new insights into them.
Um, sorry, this was just supposed to be a sentence or two...
I'd always kind of gone back and forth between thinking a)Ambrose learned those techniques to better protect the royals or that b)someone taught them to Glitch so he could protect himself. I'm working on a part of TRB now that doesn't get into the Glitch-Fu but does show all the different people he's been, and one of them's got to be the one who learns teh mad skilz! I'm leaning towards that sweet, sage personality we see at the end of the hypothermia scene.
Wow, this is rambly. I'm hitting the post button anyway. :)
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