So, I'm a couple chapters into Broken Hearts (the current fanfic on the table). Basic idea is, a month post-Eclipse, Raw calls his companions to the enclave of his tribe to share some "mixed" news with them. the good news being the Viewers want to rejoined the world, and bad news being a spoiler, and the ugly news even more so
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The legend goes that when Ozma Tippetarius, the last Fae Queen of Oz died, there was a great curse lifted from the Animals of Oz. Most of them became shapeshifters, able to go back and forth from two to four legs as they please. Tutor is a Dog, using Maguire's definition.
Most, but not all. The Lions and the Tigers - led by the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger - were last to be changed. They both requested not to be changed from Animal at all, not wishing to "pass" as humans. Ozma granted their wish, and they transformed into something between human and Animal. Legend holds that she granted them the Second Sight, but that's just as attributable to experiments done on Lion when he was only a cub.
Tigers became Seekers, always "hungry" for exploration and adventure, guided by glimpses of the future, enhanced strength, and keen senses. Their more timorous Lion cousins became Viewers, seeking contemplation, judgment, and peace by way of their empathy, retro-cognition, and healing abilities. Seekers are referred to by other Viewers as "cousins" or "another Tribe." It's not uncommon for some Seekers to be part of a Viewer enclave or heart-bond, and it isn't uncommon for the reverse, either.
Since they are such a collective society, family bonds as humans know them aren't really the case. I'll use the "Brother Raw Explains it All" ideas that females go into season, luckier males get to mate with the females, and the entire tribe raises the result (Usually about 3 per litter).
When a Viewer reaches a critical age, there is a short window of opportunity - several weeks at most - where they come into their abilities in full and are to be "heart bonded." Normally, the tribe sends out Viewers in groups of 3-6 to accomplish some quest or task. During that period, psionic links between the small knot develop. The "bond-group" is accepted back into the tribe at the end, and form something akin to a family unit.
A Viewer who fails during this time - failing their training, exhibiting signs of cruelty, succumbing to cowardice (in Raw's case) - is not included with the heart-bond. They are sent out into exile. The window passes when they are alone and they die within days, the shock of being left to their own mind is too much to bear.
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