So, I'm a couple chapters into Broken Hearts (the current fanfic on the table). Basic idea is, a month post-Eclipse, Raw calls his companions to the enclave of his tribe to share some "mixed" news with them. the good news being the Viewers want to rejoined the world, and bad news being a spoiler, and the ugly news even more so
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Also, after being hunted and exploited and imprisoned and worked to death by the Witch for 12 years or so, I'm thinking they're kind of Xenophobic. Not in a flaming torches sort of way, because they can tell if people are evil or not when they meet them, but still. there has to be some lingering fear and resentment there.
there could also be a divide between those (if any) who capitulated to Az, those who were forced by Az, and those who managed to escape her. how have the demographics been affected by 12 years of horror? Probably not many children - but with sudden freedom, they might be undergoing a baby boom after the fashion of the U.S. post- the depression & WWII. Security against possible Az-like threats would be a MAJOR priority, and source of a lot of caution. and Children would likely be very prized.
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