Ye Grand list o'plot holes (X-posted from insanejournal)

Mar 30, 2008 02:52

Hey, we're here because we love our Outer Zone. And, as an admitted Oz nut, I will gladly put Long-Mitchell and Van Sickle's concoction in the top five adaptations/movies about Oz.

However, the plot holes? You could fly a balloon through them!

So, let's get started.

1) The Eclipse was a WEEK away when DG landed. Exactly WHEN did Em and Hank plan to drop the bombshell?

2) For that matter, why was it that the Witch didn't detect D.G. years earlier?

3) Why didn't ANYONE recognize Ambrose? I know the zipper and the lobotomy made it a little hard to connect Glitch to the former advisor. Still, someone should have, especially after that 4-part wanted poster came out.

4) How did Cain survive in the Suit, much less be any degree of sane?

5) Why was Raw in the Papay fields?

6) What exactly had Raw done to earn Lylo's scorn? ("He's not one of us.")

7) Why didn't the Queen try to exorcise the Witch or contain Az?

8) Az referrs to Ahamo as a "thief" when meeting D.G. Where did that come from?

9) A three-story plunge, followed by a plunge through ice and into freezing water AFTER getting his ass kicked by Zero...Again, how did Cain survive?

10) The Mobats took D.G. and Raw. But they also had Glitch cornered. Why did they leave him behind?

11) Tutor says he was jailed for 15 years. However, Az couldn't have been in charge that long, as she was still only a girl when she Force Choked her kid sister 15 annuals earlier. Was there, again, more to man-mutt's story than he admitted to?

12) The Witch's plan was an eternal night? Ummm...why?

13) (From blackletter) Why was everyone telling DG to get the emerald? What good would it do her? All they ended up doing was leading Az right to it.

14) (from moony_blues) What was all the awkwardness about on Jeb's part between him and his father? Somehow, I don't think it was just that he hadn't seen the man in eight years...

15) (from verilyverity) How is it that the Crown Princess of the Realm could not recognize the title of the matriarch of the royal line? (The Gray Gale)

Please, add more to the list of unanswered questions, plot holes, and universe bugs. they're what fanfic is made of!

inspiration, plot holes, canon is stoopid, canon thumping

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