As I've mentioned before, I belong to a group of "fan grammarians" who provide answers to questions at
fandom_grammar. We rely on fans to bring us interesting grammar- and language-related questions, and we strive to answer them with accuracy and fannish examples! (There's behind-the-scenes research and beta-ing going on before we post any given answer. After all, these things must be done del-i-cate-ly!)
We are, however, running low on questions at the moment, and I volunteered to ask you folks, since I must say that Tin Man fans are some of the most interesting and erudite out there and thus would obviously produce very cool questions! Nota bene: the question doesn't have to be about something you don't know. We'll happily answer questions about topics that you know, but you would also really like other people to know as well so you can stop wailing and gnashing your teeth at the frequent appearance of a particular solecism.
So without further ado, here is the request:
The Grammarians need your help! We're running low on reader-provided questions.
Got a pet peeve you want the masses educated about? We can help!
Curious about a topic, but don't want us to use your name? We answer questions anonymously!
here to submit your questions. Share the love and pimp the comm.
May the Grammar be with you!