The Princess and the Brain

Jan 07, 2012 09:39

Title: The Princess and the Brain
Author: merigirl
Characters/Pairing: Az, Ambrose's brain
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Azkadellia speaking to Ambrose's brain while it bubbles in the tank.
Warning: none. Not beta'd this image was swirling around my head for awhile now and I utterly blame klcthebookworm for why it got written last night instead of cleaning the kitchen. That's two angsty fics in a row.. dear me where is my head at? My must best find something silly to write about next. I have gone through a tweaked this twice as I was having trouble finding Az's voice. I may rewrite it again at a later date. 
Disclaimer: Don't own anything, especially not the Tin Man, if I did there would have been a fourth episode showing the end of the battle and what happens next for our heroes. 
Word Count: 872

The Princess and the Brain )

fic: oneshot, genre: angst, rating: pg-13, character-centric: azkadellia

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