Title: Quadling Love Medley (title taken from ''Elephant Love Medley' from Moulin Rouge)
Author: gatechic
Rating: R
Characters: Travis, Isabelle, the Mystic Man (sort of), mention of Ahamo, mention of the Evil Witch (Singra), and some more OCs.
Summary: Pre-pre-series. This is a typical story of unrequited love.
Words: 2,281
Disclaimer: I don't own Tin Man. This is me, paying tribute to the mini-series that caught my attention. Like the other writers who kept L. Frank Baum's world of Oz alive with new and imaginative characters and stories, I'm doing the same in my own way.
A/N: This is another entry to the
tm_challenge Seasonal Challenge 03. My card can be found
here. Oh yes, about the timeline, I didn't have time to worry about the timeline. I tossed it out the window. Pretend this takes place over a year.
Part 1||
Part 2||
Part 3 "
If I’m such a madman, then why are you still here, listening?"