Title: Quadling Love Medley (title taken from ''Elephant Love Medley' from Moulin Rouge)
Author: gatechic
Rating: PG-16
Characters: Travis, Isabelle, the Mystic Man (sort of), mention of Ahamo, mention of the Evil Witch (Singra), and some more OCs
Summary: Pre-pre-series. This is a typical story of unrequited love. Girl sees boy swimming. Girl can't keep eyes off of boy. Girl dreams of boy. Boy still annoys girl.
Words: 2,202
Disclaimer: I don't own Tin Man, plain and simple. This is me, paying tribute to the mini-series that caught my attention. Like the other writers who kept L. Frank Baum's world alive, I'm doing the same in my own way.
A/N: This is another entry to the
tm_challenge Seasonal Challenge 03. My card can be found
here. Oh yes, about the timeline, I didn't have time to worry about the timeline. I tossed it out the window.
Part 1 "
They’re not men, they’re boys pretending to be men."