Title: Bad Company 51-57
Author: gatechic
Characters/Pairing: Wyatt, Jeb, Garrett, Travis, and some OCs.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Post-series. After the eclipse, the Cain men set off to find the rest of the Clan and find themselves on an unexpected adventure.
This chapter: Garrett grieves for his son as they travel to visit another family who might be able to help him. An unexpected event changes the plans and the boys find themselves face to face with the newly restored Zonian army.
Word Count:3,298
Tin Man characters belong to the SciFi Channel, RHI, Steven Long Mitchell and Craig W. Van Sickle. But Travis, Isabelle and Garrett belong to me. I also borrow from L. Frank Baum, Gregory Maguire and Rachel R Cosgrove (Payes). This is purely for fun and I'm not making a penny off of this.
A/N: These are prompts written for
Season Challenge 02 Big Damn Prompt Table. My table. This started off as a bunch of drabbles, not so much now.
Prompts 1-8||
Prompts 9-11||
Prompts 12-14||
Prompts 15-20||
Prompts 21-25||
Prompts 26-27Prompts 28-32||
Prompts 33-37||
Prompts 38-44||
Prompts 45-50Prompts 51-57.