Title: Change is Gonna Come
Characters/Pairing: Dean and Sam Winchester, DG, Wyatt Cain, Glitch, Raw and mentions of Az, Lavender and Ahamo.
Rating: G
Summary: Dean and Sam in the OZ. I really really really have no idea.
Warning: Crack, abuse of commas, and the possibility of OOC-ness in Dean and Sam. Please let it be known that I have seen a grand total of TWO episodes of Supernatural.
Disclaimer: I own neither Tin Man or Supernatural. And the title is a Gavin DeGraw song, so I don't own that either.
Word Count: 1,619
A/N: Really, this is all for
49seconds. Really really. She gives me music, listens to me rant, is pretty much always there, allows me to ask her random questions about shows I haven't seen, and is generally really awesome. So...this is a thank you.
God, I am insane.
Where...where are we?