Learning to Dance17: Switching Partners

Jan 06, 2008 17:00

Title: Learning to Dance17: Switching Partners

Author: purplerhino

Disclaimer: Please….

Spoilers: Everything.

Rating: PG-16 this part

Characters/Pairing: All, DG/Cain

Summary: DG refused to flinch from his gaze.  In fact she offered him a happy smile.

Thanks to my beta readers -   erinm_4600, thebigfatman and khadence

Part One  /   Part Two / Interlude / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen

Both DG and Az were shivering by the time they were pulled into the ruins of some very large building.  They were soaked from the cold water, their nightgowns clinging to them and they dripped with every fighting step.

There was no roof to the ruins, just bits of crumbling wall.  Inside bonfires were burning and small groups of men were starting to walk towards a large waist high stone.  It had once been a square pillar, but they made it a stage.  DG was reminded of old Tarzan movies with tribes dancing around the fires while the heroes were prepared for sacrifice.  It was not a comfortable reminder.  At least there were no drums.  It was bad when they stopped.

There was some sort of device on a stand facing the makeshift stage.  She had the distinct impression they were filming this.  Maybe to play back with something like Glitches little 3D thingamajig.

The men all sneered or leered at the women as they were pushed forward.  Neither DG nor Az were going to make any of this easy.  Seconds, DG kept reminding herself.  But time.  Even seconds count.

“What we have here is the sluts of the Gale dynasty.  The Sorceress, who held us all in fear, who tortured and killed so many.” They pushed and pulled Az up makeshift stairs onto the stone stage. “And the so called savior, who corrupted the minds of the good people of the Outer Zone.”

DG was likewise maneuvered up.  But care was taken to control her feet after her earlier attack.

Two men with knives approached both women.  DG refused to flinch from his gaze.  In fact she offered him a happy smile.  Her knee came up, not at the groin he had instinctively blocked, but at his stomach.  She grunted with the force and he was at least winded as her leg came down, and with a spin she hit him in the bent head with her heel, sending him off the stage.

Hands were instantly on her shoulders, forcing her to her knees.

“Jakes, you get first go for that.” Henrick called down from his place beside Old Tough Guy.

“We’re going to use you both like the whores you are.” DG felt her insides churn and her bowels turning to liquid as fear gripped her for the first time.  “And then we’re gonna take you apart piece by piece, keep you breathing as long as we can.  Afterwards we’ll play it for the Whole O.Z. to see.  If any fools listened to you and your stories before, all they’ll remember of you both is this.”

Another knife was produced and then men began cutting off the sister’s nightgowns.

No! Nonononono.

Azkadellia screamed.


Jeb made a series of hand signals.  The fires inside the ruins were like a beacon.  Jeb’s guerilla troops got off their horses and spread out, armed with knives, rifles and handguns.  They were going to take down the guards and get into position.  They had painted their faces black.  These men and women fought from concealment.  They’d used the tactics against Longcoats for years, although not as well armed.

Jeb had spent extra time with them.  Wyatt didn’t like it, but his son was an efficient and swift killer when he had to be.  Those eight years Wyatt had been in the hellish suit had been just as cruel to Jeb in their own way.

Atop a slight rise they had a pretty good view.

“We need a diversion.” Wyatt’s hand was white knuckled on his gun.  He was visibly trembling as they watched DG and AZ get dragged into the ruin.

“Yeah, about that.  Sorry, Dad.” Jeb’s fist swung out of nowhere to land solidly on Wyatt’s jaw.  The suddenness and surprise as much as the force knocked him down.


Jeb’s gun ground into his father’s back as he pushed him towards the ruin.  The Tin Man’s hands were bound behind him by the wrists.  He had blood matting his pale blond hair and it ran heavily down the side of his face, just missing his eye, staining his shirt and vest.  His holster was empty and he still looked as if he were in shock.

The First guards at the entrance held their guns on both.

“I understand Visor wanted to make him watch before slitting his throat.” Jeb grinned at the guards.

Inside the ruin, Azkadellia screamed.  Wyatt looked up, his face turning red with rage as his son kicked him into the ruin and shot his gun into the sky before once more using it to propel the elder Cain forward.

“A gift for Visor.  I don’t want anyone to doubt where my loyalties lay.” Jeb announced.

The Tin Man looked defiant, and angry, his face bruised and bleeding.  He saw DG on the rock, her gown cut open as two men held her down by her shoulders.  She was pale, shaking, and had tears running down her face.  He tried to convey an apology with his eyes.  He wanted to kill every one of the Reeges here.  ALL of them.

DG was looking from him to Jeb in total shock.

“Oh God, Wyatt.” He could read the words on her lips.

fic: work-in-progress, author: purplerhino, pairing: cain/dg

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