No, not blintzes although thanks to
erinm-4600 they are all I can think about now. Ahem.
Do you like fanfic? Do you like a captive audience? Would you like to share fanfic you like with a captive audience? Want to have me in your debt? Well have I got an opportunity for you!
thegraygale, Tin Man fandom's very very own fic rec community, is in need of... reccers! Well, a reccer for this week, and then January and all dates onward from there.
How it works: Join the community. Already a member? Even better! I give you (yes, you sitting there and thinking about this) posting access, and for the rest of this very week until Saturday you can rec fic! There's even a handy form to follow!
Don't have a fic for every day? That's fine, all you need is four! Four stories that you've loved and want others to love as well (just make sure they've not been recced already first). Questions? Comment here or PM me, I'm happy to oblige!