Title: Forget-me-not
amediaTeam: Longcoats
Word Count: Two drabbles, 100 each
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Cain/Glitch
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Imagiquest. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Challenge: 19, "All the way."
Glitch found DG in the garden. "DG, can I ask you something?"
"Of course," DG answered.
"Cain… just doesn’t seem happy lately. Maybe ... he has regrets."
"Oh, Glitch," she said, touching his arm. "You make him so happy."
DG pointed to a flower. "What's that?"
"Myosotis scorpioides."
"What the common name?"
"Oh, that's easy. It's a--" Glitch stopped. "I know it. It's..."
DG took pity. "Forget-me-not."
"I forget so many things," Glitch said slowly. "Cain's afraid I'll forget him too. DG, I'm in this with Cain all the way."
"Glitch," said DG. "He needs to know that."
Cain found Raw walking through the woods and fell into step beside him, comfortable in the silence.
After a time, Raw spoke. "You are anxious."
Cain nodded. "About Glitch. You know...?"
"Everyone knows," said Raw. "Everyone happy. Except Cain?"
"I haven't been this happy in years," said Cain. "But that makes me more afraid."
Raw stopped walking and turned to Cain. "Glitch forgets things ... in his head." He tapped Cain's chest gently with one finger. "But you ... not in Glitch's head. You are in his heart. Glitch forget small details, but Glitch never forget you all the way."