Title: The Shallow End
ksedaTeam: Tin Men
Word Count: 100!
Characters: Ambrose LeFevre, Thomas Tudor, Wyatt Cain
Rating: PG, for the hell of it. And the use of "hell" in this rating
Disclaimer: Since this morning I have not acquired the rights. Woe.
Challenge: 18 “We’ll see”
"That was not worth it," Cain muttered and dabbed at his lip to see if the bleeding had stopped. "Stupid kid selling bootlegs..."
"I can see tomorrow's headline," LeFevre sighed as the perp was lead off. "'Boys in blue keep city safe, remain sexy while doing so.'" He gave Tudor a sideways look. "Well, most of us do."
The older man snorted. "Laugh it up, but who stands the best chance of getting some tonight?" With that he made is way back to the car.
Cain and LeFevre exchanged a look. The former sighed, the latter leered.
"We'll see about that."
"No, we really won't."