Challenge 13 is officially closed! Here are your results:
Tin Men: 58
Longcoats: 24
Yay Tin Men! You trampled over those pesky Longcoats!
This week was particularly memorable since so many new faces posted drabbles! Thanks for all who participated! And if you didn't get a drabble up this time around, hope you had a chance to read!
New This Week
Challenge 14 Prompt Table
1. From the prompt table below, write up to five drabbles
2. Choose a team (Tin Men or Longcoats)
3. Write only one per prompt from your table (see "Drabbles")
4. Post them to
tinman100 using the header (see "Drabble Header")
5. Do not paste the prompt table when you post your drabble (prompt tables can be posted in your LJ)
6. Properly tag your posts (see "Tags"), otherwise mods will do it for you
1. One drabble per prompt! Do not use a prompt from your table more than once.
2. Each drabble must be exactly 100 words
3. Drabbles for your table do not have to be related to each other, but they can be
4. It is not mandatory that you complete the entire table. Your team will not lose points if you do not finish the table; however, your team will gain an extra 3 points if you do finish the whole table!
5. You can use any manner of the word you like. Use it just once in passing, or use it as atmosphere - just make sure it appears in there somewhere.
Each drabble you post earns your team ONE (1) point
If you finish the table, you earn your team THREE (3) additional points
The most points you can earn for your team is EIGHT (8)
1. Drabbles due by Sunday 15 June 2008 @ 11:59 EDT
2. Cross-posting to other communities is okay
3. Team with the most points wins
Drabble Header
Subject: Title of Drabble(s)
Title: Title of Drabble(s)
Team: Tin Men or Longcoats (you decide)
Prompt: (your prompt here)
Additional Header Options
Rating: (needed if 'R' or 'NC17' - along with an
LJ Cut)
Warnings: Whatever you think people should be warned about (optional)
Notes: Additional notes (optional)
Drabble Header Cut & Paste
Title:Team:Prompt: Any variations of the drabble header are accepted. The "for all drabbles" headers only need to be up once. If you post all five drabbles at once, for example, you don't need a disclaimer five times.
Tags for Teams - Please choose one
challenge 14 longcoats
challenge 14 tin men
Good luck, teams! Enjoy your challenges!