Post of Modliness

Apr 16, 2009 10:00

Okay... I think it's safe to say that I'm out of uses for FOOL. How about you?

Unless there's a big hoopla, shall we call Round 22 a draw and move on to something else?


Tonight? Thursday (4-16)? Silly Hat Day? 10pm-ish EST?

Speak now or forever hold your Reese's Pieces. No, really.. keep 'em. Reese's Pieces are nasty. Now, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, those you can bribe me with. I like those. Even with the allergy. But not those weird flipped ones, that's just not right. You have to have the peanut butter in the middle, not the outside. WhoTF thought that was a good idea? o.O

Um... I mean...


~challenge ends, !tied victory!, the mod speaks

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