Challenge 22 - Fade

Apr 07, 2009 20:23

Title: Fade
Team: Tin Men
Word Count: 100
Characters: Cain, Glitch
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: 22 - Fool

“How much have you had to drink?”

Glitch tilted his head up, unsurprised to find himself no longer alone on his balcony. The square bottle next to his hip had been company enough. Turning back to the darkening horizon, Glitch gave a sad, mirthless laugh. “Too much to let me remember. Not enough to make me forget.”

“Could’ve fooled me,” Cain groaned as he sat on the cold concrete next to Glitch. “Seems you forgot to come find me before you took to the bottle. You know better than to drink alone.”

“Maybe I’m hoping someday it’ll make me disappear.”


challenge 22 tin men

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