Title: OZOCs
Team: DeMilo
Word Count: 450
Characters: mostlyvauge references to all the OCs of the fandom... and Cain
Challenge: none
Far from the Realm of the Unwanted sits a small building. It doesn't seem like much upon first glance, but, as with most things in the Outer Zone, there's more to the place than one might think.
For one thing, the building is much bigger on the inside.
Through the faded blue door, one will find comfort, peace... friends. People come and go, but there's always someone here.
Everyone is welcome, no matter which corner of the Zone - or, in some cases, the Other Side - they've come from. Some of the patrons already know each other; some have been there a while, while others are only on their first visit.
Time has no meaning here, for, once past the blue door, each patron has a different time to go back to. Or forward.
Some look alike, some get the joke. There are serious discussions, as well as completely absurd.
The older men saddle up to the bar, reliving their glory days and watching the young men who are destined to follow in their footsteps; the young men who all wear uniforms, yet fight on different sides.
Here, they're just men.
Some sit alone, thinking about their lives and loved ones; or they're waiting for a companion.
Back in the corner is the kids' table. Literally. All ages sit together in the corner, some snacking, some drawing pictures.
On this day, when the doors open, the glow of outside illuminates the man in the doorway for a moment, and the crowd turns to see who's arrived.
There's a nod from the barman, who goes back to pouring drinks for the elderly men at the end of the bar, discussing some past event; a hush settles over the table of children - only a few are present at the moment and, in a way, all related to the man. He steps over, gives them all a look and bends down to the youngest, whispering something to her and waiting for a nod.
Moving away, he claps a hand to the shoulders of two of the young men in uniform, ruffles the hair of a third - not in Zonian clothing - and continues on to the bar as the young men around the table laugh. Some of the younger men laugh a bit later, when one of the soldiers announces he "has to fly."
After greeting the two men in discussion, he continues to the table in the corner and nods to the man sitting alone. Now that they're together, it's obvious they're related, as they sit alike, drink alike and even brood alike.
Here in this strange little building is a world of its own. No one questions it, for no one has to.
I give you all the use of OZOCs. Feel free to saddle up to the bar, listen to the stories... enjoy the awesome.
And my thanks to the authors I totally stole OCs from for this... :)