Title: Nature Team: Longcoats Rating: Teen Characters: Wyatt/DG/Glitch, Chessa Notes: Lilies 'Verse, yes? Length: 443. Yes, at this point, I am giving up on the whole word count thing... Challenge: 20, Stick
!!!!!!!!!!! Wow! This was a surprise, a delightful one, and gorgeously delivered! I love how you don't spell out how she tells them, just that we see Wyatt's and Glitch's reactions through Chessa's eyes, and that, of course, they are being ROCKS OF SUPPORT! I love it. Love it love it.
(also gotta say how glorious this phrase is: "Glitch was awake, prancing in the garden with Chimtu") ^^
Comments 7
I don't even know this 'verse proper and I'm in love....
*shares the hugs*
*hugs too*
I love it. Love it love it.
(also gotta say how glorious this phrase is:
"Glitch was awake, prancing in the garden with Chimtu") ^^
*mems carefully"
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