Feb 20, 2006 22:58

What's this all about?

It's all about Internet Protocol addresses, which are unique numbers, one
of which your computer uses when connected to the internet so that every
other computer on the internet can talk to you. Your IP address is a bit
like your phone number, it is something by which you (or your computer) can
be uniquely identified. An IP address (version 4 anyway) is a 32 bit
number, which is usually divided up into 4 bytes separated by full stops
thus, Each number can go from 0 to 255, there are some
restrictions on what addresses are available due to the way they are given
out, if you are interested you can read more about them. We are of the mind
that some IP addresses are more interesting than others if they contain an
unusual configuration of numbers etc.
It's the kind of thing web programmers end up doing when they have too much
time on their hands; not everyone can come up with ideas like It stems from a comment made whilst looking
through web server log files, "Oooh, look at that IP address, its all two
digits, I've never seen one like that before!". Yes, you should pity us.
How does it work?
When you go to, the website looks up your IP address
then runs a series of mathematic, coincidental, pattern finding,
psychometric and just plain silly tests on it. The results of these tests
produce a score, which is then entered into a leaderboard. Each time you
come back, the site re-runs the tests and your score may change because we
have added some more tests, or because the shifting of the tides has
affected some of the more obscure tests. Keep checking back to see if you
have improved. Entering someone else's IP address will show you their
score, but the score will not be entered into the leaderboard unless they
have visited the site in person.

typical output

"Of the 150422 IP's spotted so far, this is ranked: 115376."

"Your IP address as a poker hand:
Seven of ? Spades
Six of ? Spades
Ace of ? Hearts
Two of ? Hearts
Four of ? Clubs

You have nothing"
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