Beth’s mom bought me something very cool last weekend: The Beertender! Do you remember way back when, the late night commercials for a gadget called the Beermeister? It was a fridge in which you put a keg of beer and it had a tap on the top of it. The Beertender is a similar, though smaller, gadget.
You start with a 5-liter DraughtKeg of Heineken or Heineken Light. Here is one that I bought, currently sitting in the Man-Fridge out in the garage:
You can, of course, tap the DraughtKegs directly, but they won’t keep for very long. Therefore, we have the Beertender!
It keeps the beer cold and carbonated for up to 30 days from tapping the keg. And, of course, it makes it easy to pour a nice cold one. Unfortunately, the only DraughtKegs currently available are Heineken and Heineken Light, but they’re both decent beers and maybe eventually other beers will become available.
Here’s the Beertender with the top open, showing the keg inside:
I’ve got mine sitting in the dining room, on top of my electric wine cellar. Pretty convenient, don’t you think?
Our dining room is actually our booze-room, with the Beertender, wine cellar, and our bar in there:
Actually, the bar looks much better when it’s open:
And my best bottle of hooch is my 19-year-old bottle of Glenlivet single-malt:
One of these days I’ll crack it open for a special occasion.