Jamie, oh Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine!!!

Mar 22, 2005 22:45

this one's for jamie...

Jamie, what you doing now? What you doing now girl? Please, please tell me Cause I need to know, I need to know now When I was down, you came to me And promised you'd always be By my side, now you're gone And I'm waiting patiently Jamie, I want you to know Jamie, oh Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time


LMAO that was just too funny.

didn't get to talk to Andy for too long tonite. :(

went to mom's- cooked brownies (seems like every one wants me to be their frickin betty crocker lately). cleaned baby's box, cleaned kitchen... blehh its gross! she hasn't cleaned in a while which is totally not like her. i think she might be goin to live in south carolina for a while. it will be better for her there. she needs a fresh start! i think her jaw is broken. today i was sooo tired prolly from my 4-day wkend. and yes i actually went to school today, pulled no illegal stunts and did my work. also got report cards... can u say lit tutor? need to stop procrastinating until 10:35 to start homework every nite. i just have no motivation. i'm soo bored with school. i want fuze energy drink... yumm. i have no life. all i do is school. church. nite skool. fun stuff: music, and computer. sound fun? yeah i dont even watch tv ne more... thats bad. i need to, just dont have time. and btw if you've never heard this song b4 go to www.windowsmedia.com and type in dashboard confessional... its in the list. CLICK IT~!! lol you'll get it stuck in your head.

1- benji got beat up at comm. service :( talked to chels all period. i think hay was out b/c she's gettin her liscense!! progress reports.

3-thought we were gonna have it for liek 3 hours but we didn't :)

5- me n meg played CANDY LAND with avery then she got tired of playing and went to watch barney. then me n meg kept playing... we had double over time of candy land... no one could win. then marshaun stepped in and played. i had to go all the way back to mr. mint! :( it sucked bad. then he like dominated me n meg both. i think she ended up stuck in molasses swamp! DARN the special cards!

7- driver's ed. first day in class. i seriously thought i was gonna fall on my face sleeping. lol eric was in there liek the first 30 mins. i kept making faces at him bhind his back. then he left the room and dannie ran over and exited outta  all his programs HAHAHAHHA vengence is mine BIA!

~krystal~ i hope baby is ok! haha i think of a cat when i say baby but yeah... cartilage is hot~! i kno who i hugged now nvm! him--- not as important as you kno who ne way he dont like me like that and he's mr. college boy soon.

~ASHLEY~ i hope you liked this post. dontcha love your name?!?!
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