Mar 19, 2005 18:47

ok some boys need to keep things to themselves (esp. on lj)... we dont care about your bodily functions... we dont go around saying omg i'm on my period! ok so GROSS!! thats all i have to say about that.

now that thats outta the way. hannahs was fun.
got some really GREAT news... it's about time. i thought brett was the guy for me, but i realized we're better off as friends. now someone else on the other hand. wayyyyy better. hehehe hannah n ash. now the fun part... getting to kno each other... and the famous first date.
we will hang with ALL the new guys soon.
babysat christian (hannahs baby) what a lil cutie. we taught her to windmill kick. and she says "i am hardcore!!!"
got my nite skool report card... *clears throat* i passed algebra 1A folks with a 92!! haha
celebration dinner. cafe milanos. one of my faves. ate too much bleh...
thinkin about goin for a run, hahah thinkin... doubt it will happen. i'll prolly barf if i run! the only time i run, it'll be from the cops.

ok soo need a new lj pic.. lookin too squinty in that one... i got an idea for one... i'm thinkin purple feather maskkkkkkssss!


this just in...
josh, my club vb coach, QUIT!! he didn't go to their last game. what an asshole. he's a sicko i swear. i've been hearing ever since i left he's been giving rides to girls and they're goin off by themselves and he's been touching girls butts. it'll get back to his FIANCE!! their marriage isn't gonna work. its not based on God. and she tells her students the people that go to church are hypocritical... thats soo stupid, shut up woman! you're both soo messed up in the head. all of this just sickens me, i'm glad i left when i did. and i wont be a part of the heritage volleyball team if it has ne thing to do with either of them. i really am sick of it all. she also is a liar, she's been tellin her 9th graders that he's been clean of drugs for years when just this time last year she was gripe-ing about them breaking up b/c he was doin drugs again. and his mother smokes weed with him. how's that for disfunctional!!!!!!!!!!!???? all of this is soo sickening... she had a problem with me from day one and she knu i didn't like her either... thats why she chose to make my life a living hell thruout the vb season.

i'm gonna go breathe b4 i vomit...
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