Feb 13, 2004 22:22
well so i guess the whole "friday the 13th" crap is def put to rest in my book!! i had a gr8 day.. and im actually happy!! my life is slowly falling in2 place... my jobs r going good, my family is going pretty well(no big fights neways), and i havent fought w/ ne of my friends lately either! slowly my whole college decisions are falling in2 place. and im sooo xcited to get outa here and start new, kinda scared @ the same time, yet totally ready 4 nething to happen!!but im gonna go... gotta call some people.. ohh and Britt.. sorry i couldnt go to the mall w/ u 2day.. maybe either later this weekend or this week (even thought it defeets the purpose) we havent hung out that much lately! well talk to u guys lata!!