karma police

Dec 14, 2005 16:47

so wouldn't it figure. right after i post about not having any money, i go to the casino friday night, and after spending 10 bucks, walk away with $630. and i walked away. thats enough of a sign for me. my last dollar did nothing, so i left. karma likes me!
after running into Mike and Shad in the parking garage, telling them of my good fortune and going to Fast Eddies (a bar/club across the street from the casino) upon leaving the parking garage i got pulled over. for not having my headlights on. i realized they were off (i didn't realize it due to the lights in the garage and on the street right outside it), turned them on, and then flashy flashy, cop time. karma hates me. I only got a warning (i had turned them on as soon as i realized it, and its not like i was speeding or anything bad at all) and also got questioned why i had a wad of 100 dollar bills on my passenger seat. told him about the casino, chatted with him for a few (a very nice guy actually) then went home.
Saturday went down to Henderson where i was able to fill up for 2.03 a gallon, as oppoed to the 2.17 it had just gotten to in evansville. karma likes me!
Saturday night, my car has to be towed. karma hates me again. the altenator belt broke- as in no power to car. no good, which also ment i didnt have a car for all the errands i had to run on sunday. which ment that i had amanda's rehearsal for her directing scene in my appt.
After rehearsal Jordan and I stayed up talking and hanging out till like, 3. karma likes me! because if there was ever someone worthy of a freshmen crush, it's totally this guy.
Talked to Mike monday, and his aunt is in the hospital. she has lung cancer, and now has pnemonia too. which, sucks a lot. this however also means its a no-go on Bam's for NYE. karma hates me.
Have my history final monday, study and do my laundry tuesday, and just got out of my math final. but, before class i went and sold back my books- woot for 130 bucks back. karma likes me!
so, tonight brings dinner at amandas (with hopefully the company of Jordan), studying more for my VD (haha.. try voice and diction) final, and maybe getting together with Mike, if he's feeling it up to it (he's still battling the sickness) and even though he calls me and we hang out, theres no.. stability. it's just kind of a whenever we have time thing, and from conversations it sounds like he has tons more things more important, and that he needs to figure out first before anything concerning me. Karma hates me.
but, off to finish some stuff up, then to Amandas for dinner. karma likes me!

Can you see why i'm such a roller coaster? blame karma.
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