Sep 22, 2005 10:26
I have so many happy's, i had to share
-So, I FINALLY have some paint elevations, and due to the unexpected amount of people that ACTUALLY showed up to my paint call last night, we've been able to make up for a lot of the.... slack. today will be painting the floor, which when we complete it will mean that we'll be down to just the nitty gritty. which is a nice feeling.
-My history test which i was dreading tomorrow got pushed back to monday, which gives me all weekend (save light call time) extra to start studying for it. Happiness.
- My 2nd grade style paperchain says that only 20 days till I get to see my nearest and dearest in Alma
- Amanda got me and uber cute shirt for my birthday
- I'm starting to get busy enough that I dont sit at home and get depressed about being alone.
- I have the most amazing boyfriend ever. Seriously, who else would put up with me going on hiadious to another state right after we start dating, and still stay with me? He still give me that weak in the knees feeling, and we've been together for like, 5 months.
- I been able to talk to jess pseudo consistanly since I've been here. I dont know what I would do if I lost my Bimmy
- Sanni and Kay miss me :)
- I have a mock girlfriend (steph and I are masquerading as lesbians to freak out the creepy freshman that asked her out)
thats all I can think of for now. but, after a crap-tastic last few days, things like this make me all warm and fuzzy inside. (or maybe i should stop noshing on catipilars? ;) )