Dec 22, 2005 05:50
Hey ppls. Just wanted to let you all know that so far I am having a great christmas break. It seems yall are too since no one has bothered to call or respond to my lj/myspace. Well just to give yall some laughs so far my week has gone pretty weird. I canNOT play my violen well so daddy makes me play when he is at work. lol. Monday I went ice skating w/ the famatives. I have bruised knees and hurting Tuesday I went errand running for grandma. Today I helped paint her kitchen for her christmas present. How fun I know. Neways..... I think its a miracle but I am finally talking to somebody. I honestly dont know if its going to work or not b/c of who he is. He makes me laugh and he is fun to be around. but as soon as I say his name......Jessica will give the "why in the world do you like him" look that she always gives me. but I love her neways and daniel will be like "who is that?" along w/ a bunch of other ppl. but some ppl are just gonna be like "I heard.........". Honestly I like jessica's reply the best. depending on the look, i know whether it will work or not cause she knows me a little too well for my own love you jessica!!!!! and I might not be on till after christmas so MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! Im sure that I will be back on b4 the new year so. ttyls ppl,