Jan 28, 2008 11:55
While I am light hearted about this story I am about to share, I am 100% positive that if the ending would have been death, I would have been the proud, but dead, recipient of a Darwin award. .. .
I woke up this morning much as most of my other Washington and Northern Oregon neighbors with approximately 3 to 4 inches of snow. I had a late start as most of my other co workers would not arrive until 10 am. I left my home at approximately 9:45 with the intentions of being at the office at 10:00. While the roads were icy, they were not too bad... until I get a quarter of a mile from my office and I am rounding the bend when I hit a patch of ice and ran my car wheel into the curb on the right side of the road and NOT into oncoming traffic. I was going slow enough that the car did not twist or turn and it was simply a matter of driving back off the curb, or so I thought. As the car finished the curb I began to hear the tell tale sign of "dathump, dathump" and knew immediately that my tire was now flat. I tried to call the office and there was no answer. I tried 2 of my work mate's cell phones. No answer. I looked down the road and said SCREW IT. By the time one of them called me back I could be at the office already. Let me state now that I decided that it would be best to change the tire after work so as not to muss my clothes up prior to work. So having said this, I began my quarter of a mile journey to my office that in ordinary circumstances would have been NOTHING.... but no, Kimmy has to be the biggest ding bat ever and not even wear sensible shoes IN THE SNOW. I walked this distance in 3 inch leather brown heels with tan pants on. The bottom of my pants are still wet. :( When I get off work I get to catch a ride hopefully back to the car so I can change the tire. Then I'm going to hope and pray I get it changed quickly enough to get to Les Schwaab before they close. I hate flat tires. I really do have the worse luck ever. I also have the most absent minded mind ever - note to self: research correlation between absented mindedness and poor luck.
Hope your day is better than mine :)
***updated 3:27 pm*** My spare tire has been placed on the car now thank you to a local friend, Greg <3 from Frontier Ford. Thank you!
flat tire