i'm storming your castle on my steed my lady...

Oct 11, 2005 20:09

i totally forgot i had a lj client on my comp..hahahaha

ok so lately lets see? this past weekend rocked!
i took my lil brother matt to the movies for his b-day on friday night..we saw waiting it was great! i love ryan reynolds..lol then saturday jen and D and cj came to cornwall to pick me up we were suposed to go apple pcking in warwick but it turns out u can't do that in the pouring rain..lol so we went back to jen and D's house. ate some food and just hung out..jen put some make-up on me and made me pretty and then we went out in the rain to play pool..and then to the diner...sunday daryl had to work cuz someone at her job wanted to leave for personal reason., i do feel bad about...but she wasn't able to go apple picking with us..me jen and cj went to this orchard where the grils scout troop went..got lots of apples and climbed some trees...and then picked out some pumpkins...then me and jen made some apple krumbli...it was mmmm mmmm delicious...
and then jen dropped me of onday morning.

monday evening i went over to abe's house to watch some queer as folk with her ..and then today i had work...

today was matt's b-day (he's my lil bro) and marty had a job for like a day and a half and now quit.and there isn't much else to say..i have to get up at 5am to work at fiddlestix tomorrow..i'm not looking forward to it at all!!!!

on another note i left my wobbie in D;s bed and i had trouble falling asleep last night..be gentle with it D
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