i killed a man with a trident!

Sep 16, 2005 22:00

oh man, it's friday night, i'm 20years of age..lol and i'm sitting at home cuz i have no life, and i was sleeping on the couch..wtf? i have to been in bed in like an hour cuz i have to get up real early tomrrow and go to work at fiddlestix, it's not that bad, but i don't think i like working there and now i can't get outta the job cuz they like me and how i work. damn it why do i have to be such a great worker..lol anyway tomorrow is the sidewalk sale in cornwall, it's like a fair the place i work is right on main st. where they hold the fair and it's been like 4 years since i've been able to make it to the fair and now i'm working 7-3...i can't win!!! by the time i get outta work i'm gonna wanna race home to shower cuz i'm gonna feel gross, most of the cool stuff will be packed up and gone already and i'll be soo tired, not to mention i'd be walking around all on my lonesome cuz i have no friends left around here and my mom has to work. at leas as far as i know she does..man i felt like typing alot, i'm soo bored and i don't wanna flal asleep yet cuz then i'll be up at the crack of dawn oh wait i need to be for owrk..shit..anyway i like that word anyway or i just use it a shit load..lol
i'm finished i think...

i miss jen and daryl and Cj. and montauk and jus tthe whole sobota family!! i miss seeing my mom as well, we're always working and when we do see each other we aren't in great moods..and i miss gavin and bry even though me and bry fight like crazy..lol i miss my cousins dana and anthony, i miss goin over to my co-workers house and playin fun games with her kids..:( oh boy it's a day of missing people!!!
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