Oct 17, 2008 21:20
About a month ago my big brother had a birthday party and among the attendees were our parents, our little brother and some of their mutual friends. The next day my little brother calls me and asks how his ex-wife would think that he is going to Mexico. I haven't really spoken to her in over a year so I really have no idea. Nor did I know he was going to Mexico. He assures me he is NOT going to Mexico, his girlfriend and her best friend are, but not him. OK so why do you care what your ex-wife thinks you are doing? He doesn't just can't figure out where she would get that info from.
So my little brother owes my parents about $4000.. NBD we have all borrowed money from the folks on occasion. About 3 weeks ago my mom starts bitching about how my brother went to Mexico and she's pissed because he hasn't made an attempt to pay her back. I completely understand her point but I try to stay out of this kind of crap because it only leads to family drama.
Last week I my brother is again asking me about why his ex-wife thinks he went to Mexico. I again tell him I have no idea. The only thing I can think is that the facts about his girlfriend going some how got confused at our brothers party and either our brother (who still talks to the ex-wife) or our mom (who babysits for him and his ex-wife) told her. He again assures me he did NOT go to Mexico.
Sunday my mom came over and starts in again about how my brother owes her but instead went to Mexico. I stick up for my brother and insist to my mom that he did NOT go to Mexico.
Today I get on MySpace and see that his girlfriend posted pics from her Mexico trip so I start looking threw them and OMG there are about 20 pics of my brother IN Mexico! WTF you fucking liar!!! Maybe the next time you lie to me you'll make sure your girlfriend doesn't post pics on the internet.