
May 23, 2005 08:29

even though prom was more than a week ago, i know i should write it down. it was a lot of fun, even if kevin was falling asleep and talking on the phone to someone else. i dont really care because i was way too busy with my friends, anyway. but he did look handsome, just as i looked beautiful, if i do say so myself. i almost didnt recognize myself. ahh, the wonders of the makeup world, haha. had a lot of fun dancing to the undanceable hiphop songs with a bit of tango, waltz, etc. really, there needs to be classier music. i was just dancing normally, side to side, with kevin and when i looked around i got scared because everyone was freaking. i mean girls' asses in guys' crotches. not cool. but when kevin and i slow danced it was so, i dont know how to describe it, nice. i almost fell asleep on his shoulder. i never noticed how tall he was before. honestly, i didnt want to let go. everyone looked so amazing, i think thats the main part of prom, seeing how everybody can transform themselves to the above and beyond. when we got there, kevin was just looking around, he had a bit of culture shock, he isnt used to seeing so many white and asian people. hes used to blacks and hispanics. hehe, reminds me of my first day at terra nova. mr. schneider saw me and he was very surprised, his mouth literally dropped. it was really funny, and then he called kevin the heatmiser from the xmas shows because of his hair. poor kevin doesnt know who the heatmiser is. anyways, kevin and i were just reminiscing of all the good times we had together and he admitted that somehow we always ended up together and how we make a great team. (oh, did i mention that we he came into the house and saw me he took a moment to look at me and then came up to me for a hug and a kiss and said "hi beautiful"? things like that are just plain nice ;)) at the prom, tessa and i had on the same dress, but it was cool and we, well at least i, didnt feel weird at all. we even waltzed to the piano music during dinner. after the prom we (connie, bernard, melissa, robert, kevin, and i) went to pizza orgasmica, again. haha. everyone was falling asleep, but not before we all had fun with the names of the pizza. when kevin and i got dropped off at my house i thought he was going to go straight to his car, but no, he walked me all the way up to the door and made sure i got in and gave me my goodnight kiss, on the cheek of course. my friend alyeris called me for "the dirt" and way awfully disappointed that there wasnt any. but when she the pix of kevin and i she said that now she wanted him for me. just like the pastor, who wants to marry me even though im not even 18 or out of highschool!! and its scary because he has the gift of prophecy, and as my mom pointed out, i did accidentally catch the bouquet at my uncle's wedding. i swear i didnt mean to catch it! i was just standing there and it fell in my hands and as soon as i realized it i threw it to someone else. geez...i just keep condemning myself dont i?
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