Whats in A Name
001. Name: Amanda
002. Remixes [Nicknames]: Mandi, Amandi, Manda, Drom
003. Why is that your name/nickname?: My dad liked the song 'Amanda' by Boston, so he says...and the nicknames are just shortened versions of my name, besides 'Drom', which is from Daniel...he called me Mandromeda(like the Andromeda galaxy) and it eventually got shortened.
004. Were you named after anyone?: Nope
005. What would you rename yourself?: Keesa(Russian for Kitty)
006. Best Girl's Name?: Madison
007. Best Boy's Name?: Aiden
008. Best Pet's Name?: Fiona!
Age Ain't Nothing But a Number
009. How many candles were on your last b-day cake?: 16
010. When is your b-day?: September 13th, 1989
011. How old do you wish you were?: 18
012. How old is your oldest friend?: Uh...like 19 or 20
013: Your youngest friend?: 15, I think
014: Do you prefer hanging out with older people or younger people?: Older
015: Ever been told you act older? Yeah
016: How about younger?: Yup
017: Do you think age matters in a relationship?: Nah
018: Do you agree with the drinking age? If not, what would you change?: Yeah
019: Do you think people under a certain age shouldn't have sex? What age?: Yeah, under age 13 because then it's just disgusting
020: If you could stay any age forever, what would it be?: 18
Location, Location, Location
021: Where do you currently live?: Indiana
022: How many states have you been to?: 5
023: How many countries have you been to?: 1 besides the USA
024: Where do you wish you lived? Chicago or Washington
025: Whats one thing you like about your town?: I like that it's not too big, but not too small either
026: Whats one thing you hate about your town?: People
027: Do you get along with your neighbors?: No, they're annoying...thank god they're moving
028: Is this the town you grew up in? If not, where did you move from?: Yup
029: Are you friends with any of the people who live on your block?: No
030: Do you live in a house/apt/mansion?: House
Gender Blender
031. Whats your sex?: Female
032: Ever wish you were the opp. sex?: Yeah, just out of curiosity
033: Whats one thing you love about being your sex?: The toys were always better as a kid and the style is better...it's just more colorful and fun
034: One thing you hate?: Menstruation.
035: Do you get along with the same sex?: Depends on who it is
036: How about the opp. sex?: Usually, yeah
037: Who taught you about the diff. sexes?: School
038: Whats your status?: Taken
039: How long have you had your current status?: A little over 2 years
040: If you're taken, by whom?: Daniel
041: Do you love him/her?: Yes
042: Are you straight/bi/gay?: Straight
043: Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?: No
044: Opp. sex?: Yes
045: Whats the farthest you've gone?: I won't say that.
046: Would you ever get married?: Of course
047: What do you look for in a relationship?: Trust, honesty, humor, fun, and romance
048: Whats your fav. physical feature?: Eyes...blue eyes are the best
049: Are you shallow?: Kind of...gotta be honest
050: How far would you go on the first date?: Depends on the person...a kiss, probably